Monday, December 17, 2007

Discussion Board - How to avoid the user from sending an incomplete form?

Discussion Board - How to avoid the user from sending an incomplete form?

When we write a script, we need to make sure that the user had completed the form.

So How can we avoid the user from sending an incomplete form?

Below are the ASP scripts and descriptions:



'First we get the value from the submit form

strUser = Request.form("user")

strTitle= Request.form("title")

strContent = Request.form("content")


New Discussion

Post Your Message


‘Now, we check any variable is empty, if any variable is empty, which means the form is incomplete! We need to display the form again.

‘Another case is when we start a new discussion, all variable will be empty

If strUser="" or strTitle="" or strContent="" Then


User >
Title >




We will save this message.


End If


When the user had not completed the form, the system will return a same form to the user after the user clicked on the Post button:

When the user had completed the form, this message will be displayed:

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