Friday, December 14, 2007

How to find out the records that match your requirement?

How to find out the records that match your requirement?

Find method can be based on some rules to find the record in the Recordset that match your requirement.

A simple example is shown below:


Const adSearchBackward = 1

Set conn = Server.CreateObject("Adodb.Connection")

conn.Open "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("db1.mdb")

Set rs = Server.CreateObject("Adodb.Recordset") "Member",conn,1,3

if Not rs.EOF Then

rs.MoveFirst 'Move to the first record;

rs.Find "Location = 'LA'" 'Find the first record that the location is "LA"

If rs.EOF Then 'If EOF is True; which means the record is not found!

Response.write("Record Not Found!


Response.write(rs.Fields("MemberName") & " &nbsp &nbsp " & rs.Fields("Location") &"

End If

'you can also search from the last record

rs.MoveLast 'Move to the last record;

rs.Find "Location = 'LA'" ,, adSearchBackward 'Search backward to find the last record that the location is "LA"

If rs.BOF Then 'If BOF is True; which means the record is not found!

Response.write("Record Not Found!


Response.write(rs.Fields("MemberName") & " &nbsp &nbsp " & rs.Fields("Location") &"

End If

End IF


Set rs = Nothing


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