Friday, December 14, 2007

How to use the Move method to get the record in a set of information?

How to use the Move method to get the record in a set of information?

Move method will base on the current location and move to the another record.

For example:


Set conn = Server.CreateObject("Adodb.Connection")

conn.Open "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("db1.mdb")

Set rs = Server.CreateObject("Adodb.Recordset") "User",conn,1,3

'When a recordset open a table, normally, the bookmark will point to the first record.

If NOT rs.EOF Then 'If the EOF is not true; which means it has some record in the table when you just opened the table

rs.Move 5 'move forward 5 records

rs.Move -2 'move backward 2 records

End If


Set rs = Nothing


Another method will save the current bookmark location and base on the bookmark we saved to perform some movements.

The ASP codes are written and described as below:


Set conn = Server.CreateObject("Adodb.Connection")

conn.Open "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("db1.mdb")

Set rs = Server.CreateObject("Adodb.Recordset") "User",conn,1,3

'When a recordset open a table, normally, the bookmark will point to the first record.

If NOT rs.EOF Then 'If the EOF is not true; which means it has some record in the table when you just opened the table

varMyBookmark = rs.Bookmark 'Save the current bookmark

rs.Move 5 'move forward 5 records

rs.Move 2, varMyBookmark 'Return back to the bookmark that we saved, move to the record after it.

End If


Set rs = Nothing


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